Bingo is an observational documentary exploring the daily lives of the elder in a senior living center in Nashville, Tennessee. The film is influenced by cinema verite style, acknowledging the camera and filmmaker's presence. The long observational shorts capture joyful moments of people playing bingo, their concentration and eagerness to win; the repetition of the metal wheel shows a dynamic rhythm, symbolizing their frequent social activities at the center.
A observational photo essay capturing the daily lives of unhoused people in Nashville, Tennessee.
An experimental film capturing the dynamic rhythm of light in relation to the sound of sparkle, bell, wind, and nature surrounding.
When considering the Vietnam War, one of the proxy conflicts within the greater, ideological Cold War, it remains impossible to ignore the lasting impact of the confrontation that still underlines many problems in the world nowadays. The animated documentary is based on the true experiences of an American soldier in the jungle of Saigon, presenting a Western-centered perspective on the catastrophic battle.
An audio documentary consists of interviews with different students and staffs at Vanderbilt University.
Bingo is an observational documentary exploring the daily lives of the elder in a senior living center in Nashville, Tennessee. The film is influenced by cinema verite style, acknowledging the camera and filmmaker's presence. The long observational shorts capture joyful moments of people playing bingo, their concentration and eagerness to win; the repetition of the metal wheel shows a dynamic rhythm, symbolizing their frequent social activities at the center.
A observational photo essay capturing the daily lives of unhoused people in Nashville, Tennessee.
An experimental film capturing the dynamic rhythm of light in relation to the sound of sparkle, bell, wind, and nature surrounding.
When considering the Vietnam War, one of the proxy conflicts within the greater, ideological Cold War, it remains impossible to ignore the lasting impact of the confrontation that still underlines many problems in the world nowadays. The animated documentary is based on the true experiences of an American soldier in the jungle of Saigon, presenting a Western-centered perspective on the catastrophic battle.
An audio documentary consists of interviews with different students and staffs at Vanderbilt University.